Explore our frequently asked questions to discover more about Reiki Healing, Reiki Classes and the Healing Intensive programmes. If you have any other questions please contact me.
Reiki Healing
What is Reiki?
Reiki is an energy healing practice from Japan that utilises the spiritual energy of the Universe to stimulate energetic centres in the body, and promote healing of the body and mind. The term Reiki comes from the Japanese words for spirit (rei) 靈 and energy (ki) 氣 The spiritual energy of Reiki could be described as the life force energy that enlivens every living being, exists beyond the concepts of time and space, and is pure unconditional love. The Japanese founder of Reiki - Mikao Usui, beautifully described Reiki in this way... "Reiki is love, love is wholeness, wholeness is balance, balance is wellbeing, wellbeing is freedom from disease."
What is Distance Reiki?
Distance Reiki is a type of healing session that is conducted when a Reiki Practitioner and the recipient of Reiki can't be together in person. There are many situations where Distance Reiki may be more helpful than an in-person session. For example the recipient may be in hospital or may live in another country. Because the spiritual energy of Reiki exists beyond the concepts of time and space, it can be shared with the intention of offering compassionate healing across any distance and is still very effective. If you choose to receive Distance Reiki it is recommended that you find a quiet place to relax or sleep for the duration of your session.
How can Reiki help people?
Receiving Reiki activates the body's relaxation response and stimulates it's natural ability to heal. Because it is so relaxing, the mind also experiences peace and stillness. In this state our ability to view things from a wider perspective is activated and personal insights can occur. Spiritually speaking, Reiki offers life force energy to the body's energy centres and pathways to clear and balance blockages. This has a positive effect on both the physical body and the mind. Being surrounded in Reiki's energy of unconditional love is also very comforting. Reiki also fosters a connection to our spiritual side, increasing awareness of the interconnectivity between our body, mind and spirit, and enhancing intuition. It's important to note that Reiki does not claim to 'cure' anything. It's a complementary therapy that combines beautifully with conventional therapies and treatments, but it should never replace them.
How does Reiki work?
At the physical level, receiving Reiki settles the body into the relaxation response and stimulates it's natural ability to heal. The deeply relaxing state that is induced during Reiki also calms the mind. At the spiritual level, Reiki energy flows through the practitioner into the recipient and clears blocked energy (ki). With the energy pathways cleared of blockages energy can flow freely throughout the body, nourishing all areas and restoring health and wellbeing. What happens during a Reiki Healing session? Reiki treatments are non-invasive and you will remain fully clothed. You may choose to have a hands-on (light touch) or hands-off (no touch) Reiki session. Before your session the Reiki practitioner will have a chat to you about why you're there and answer any of your questions. During the session you will rest comfortably on a massage table or chair while the Reiki practitioner channels Reiki energy through their hands and body. The practitioner will rest their hands lightly upon your body as Reiki energy flows through them and into your energy pathways and centres. If hands-off (no touch) has been requested or if a body part can't be touched for any reason, the Reiki practitioner will hold their hands above the body as Reiki flows where needed. Your Reiki practitioner will typically remain silent during your session, allowing you to fully relax into the experience, however if you need to speak to the practitioner at any time this is fine, it won't interrupt the flow of Reiki. After the session you'll be given a glass of water and the opportunity to discuss any questions you may have about your experience.
What happens during a Reiki Healing session?
Reiki treatments are non-invasive and you will remain fully clothed. You may choose to have a hands-on (light touch) or hands-off (no touch) Reiki session. Before your session the Reiki practitioner will have a chat to you about why you're there and answer any of your questions. During the session you will rest comfortably on a massage table or chair while the Reiki practitioner channels Reiki energy through their hands and body. The practitioner will rest their hands lightly upon your body as Reiki energy flows through them and into your energy pathways and centres. If hands-off (no touch) has been requested or if a body part can't be touched for any reason, the Reiki practitioner will hold their hands above the body as Reiki flows where needed. Your Reiki practitioner will typically remain silent during your session, allowing you to fully relax into the experience, however if you need to speak to the practitioner at any time this is fine, it won't interrupt the flow of Reiki. After the session you'll be given a glass of water and the opportunity to discuss any questions you may have about your experience.
What does a Reiki Healing session feel like?
Everyone experiences Reiki differently, and it may even feel different each time you go. The most common experience is that of deep relaxation and many people do fall asleep. Some people also feel sensations such as warmth, coolness, tingling, pulsing, or a feeling of expansion. Some people see beautiful colours and patterns in their mind's eye, or receive intuitive messages. And some people experience an emotional release. These are all very normal experiences during Reiki, but if you are uncomfortable please let your practitioner know. Some people may experience a healing response in the day or two after their session. This could look like a headache, runny nose, feeling tired, emotional or having vivid dreams. To minimise the effects of this you're encouraged to stay hydrated, take it easy, and be kind to yourself after your Reiki sessions.
Can I have Reiki while pregnant?
Yes! Reiki encourages deep relaxation and is a beautiful gift for both mother and baby. If the mother has reached the stage where she's no longer supposed to sleep on her back, then she may rest on her side with a bolster supporting her knees or relax comfortably on a chair for her Reiki session.
How many Reiki Healing sessions will I need?
Because Reiki simultaneously acts upon the body, mind and spirit, it is very difficult to predict how many sessions are required for healing. The true meaning of healing is "a return to wholeness". The rate at which this happens depends on many factors including the mindset we bring to our healing journey and what we are personally dealing with (past, present and future), therefore it will be different for everybody. It's generally agreed that for best results and to maintain healing momentum, it's ideal to have regular Reiki sessions. To kickstart healing it's often recommended to have a few Reiki sessions close together, before gradually spacing your sessions further apart for maintenance.
How should I prepare for my Reiki Healing session?
There is nothing special you need to do before your Reiki session, but to encourage deeper relaxation it's recommended to avoid caffeine and wear comfortable clothing.
Reiki Classes
What kind of Reiki do you teach?
I'm a certified Reiki Master Teacher in both Usui Reiki Ryoho and Usui Shiki Ryoho, and have completed Okuden level in Jikiden Reiki. I have a lot of curiosity and a deep interest in Reiki, so training in all these styles has given me the opportunity to experience a wide range of Reiki perspectives and techniques. I proudly teach Usui Reiki Ryoho, respectfully honouring its Japanese origins, which emphasise Reiki as both a spiritual practice for self-healing and a healing art for offering healing to others. Explaining the purpose of Usui Reiki Ryoho, the Japanese founder of Reiki - Mikao Usui said... "You heal yourself, and the diseases of others, and increase your own happiness and that of others. That is the mission of the Usui Reiki Ryoho."
What is your Reiki lineage?
I proudly teach in the Usui Reiki Ryoho lineage. As a student of mine you will also inherit this lineage that traces it's roots back to Reiki's Japanese founder, Mikao Usui through the Reiki Initiation Ceremony at your Reiki Classes. MIKAO USUI Founder of Usui Reiki Ryoho | KANICHI TAKETOMI 3rd President of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai | KIMIKO KOYAMA 6th President of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai | HIROSHI DOI Member of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai | FRANS STIENE Reiki Master Teacher of Usui Reiki Ryoho | CHARISSE JOY Reiki Master Teacher of Usui Reiki Ryoho
What are your Reiki qualifications?
I'm a certified Reiki Master Teacher in both Usui Reiki Ryoho and Usui Shiki Ryoho, and have completed Okuden level in Jikiden Reiki. Training in all these styles has given me the opportunity to experience a wide range of Reiki perspectives. I'm a proud member of Reiki NZ inc and my Reiki classes meet their teaching guidelines. I'm also a certified Meditation Teacher and member of the International Meditation Teachers and Therapists Association.
Who can learn Reiki?
There is no prior knowledge or training needed to attend your first Reiki class. Anyone who is curious about Reiki can attend a Reiki class to learn about the history of Reiki, the core principles, its founding practices and how to offer Reiki healing to yourself, family and friends.
What should I do to prepare for a Reiki class?
In preparation for your Reiki class it's recommended that you read and become familiar with the Reiki manual provided to you. To prepare yourself energetically and to enhance your Reiki Initiation you might like to: • Receive Reiki healing in the lead up to your Reiki training. • Develop an attitude of gratitude. • Eat a variety of fruit and vegetables. • Drink plenty of water. • Exercise regularly. • Refrain from excess caffeine, nicotine and alcohol. • Get adequate sleep. • Engage in self-care activities that fulfil you. • Spend time connecting to nature. • Connect to your spiritual side with prayer or meditation. • Release all expectations and embrace the experience with a wide open heart and mind.
What is a Reiki Initiation?
The Reiki Initiation is a spiritual blessing given to Reiki students many times during Reiki classes. The purpose of the ceremony is to offer students an “initial" heightened experience of their inner light, so they may remember their spiritual essence. This transformational ritual formally welcomes the student into a community of other compassionate Reiki practitioners, and illuminates the path to enlightenment.
What level of Reiki training is needed to practice Reiki professionally?
To become a professional Reiki Practitioner who offers Reiki healing to people other than friends and family, practitioners must have completed Okuden Reiki Level 2. To teach Reiki to others, practitioners must have completed Shinpiden Reiki Level 3. Sometimes Level 3 is split into 3a (becoming a Reiki Master but not yet able to teach) and 3b (becoming a Reiki Master Teacher who is now able to teach others).
How long should I wait before taking the next level in Reiki training?
I recommend not rushing through your Reiki training. Take time to really notice and enjoy your personal development and transformation between classes! In this way you'll show up to your next class better prepared both intellectually and energetically. The general guidance is to allow at least 3 months between taking Shoden Reiki Level 1 and Okuden Reiki Level 2, giving you time to fully absorb the teachings and practice the techniques. The time between taking Okuden Reiki Level 2 and Shinpiden Reiki Level 3 is likely to be a little longer as you deepen your experience with each of the Reiki Symbols and Sounds, practice with more advanced healing techniques and prepare yourself energetically for the "mystery teachings" taught in Shinpiden Reiki Level 3.
Healing Intensives
What are the Healing Intensives?
The Healing Intensives are 3 month programmes that help you heal at a profound level so you can confidently step into who you are & why you're here. Each programme includes: • Private Trauma informed Reiki Healing & Coaching sessions • Self-paced online learning video content • Guided meditations • Spiritual practices • Self exploration prompts There are 3 programmes and completion of each programme unlocks the next: • Discover Who You Are & Cultivate Self Love • Discover Why You're Here & Live With Purpose • Express Your True Self & Live a Meaningful Life
Why do I have to complete one programme before I can join the next?
The content in each programme builds upon the foundations laid in the prior programme to gently and gradually lead to insight and healing. We want to create a safe, stable base so we can springboard into new ideas and explore sensitive areas without becoming overwhelmed by it all. The foundations laid in Discover Who You Are & Cultivate Self Love teach you how to be compassionate towards yourself so that you can take an honest look at yourself and into your life. They teach you to get in touch with who you really are so that you can ask this wise part of yourself Why You're Here and Live With Purpose. Once you've courageously explored who you are and why you're here, you're ready to embrace all aspects of yourself and share this with the world. You'll be ready to face any fear of rejection and learn how to confidently Express Your True Self and Create a Meaningful Life.
What happens in a Healing Intensive programme?
When you sign up you'll be given instant access to the Online Learning component for your programme. Within this self-paced content are educational videos, guided mediations, spiritual practices and insightful self exploration prompts that you can begin working through immediately. There are also Trauma Informed Reiki Healing & Coaching sessions that you may book at anytime during our 3 months together. These private one-on-one sessions are where we meet together for connection and healing. When you complete your programme and if you want to take your healing even deeper, you'll be able to sign up for the next programme.
Can I join the Healing Intensives from overseas?
Yes! You're welcome to join the programmes from anywhere in the world. Your online learning content is available to watch at any time that suits you, and we'll simply meet online for your Trauma Informed Reiki Healing & Coaching sessions.